The gastrointestinal tract involves many biological, chemical and physical phenomena to secure the absorption of nutrients from our food. Also, specific sites of the digestive mucosa are gateways to our immunologic system which pave the way for the development of innovative oral therapeutic strategies. These strategies are based on the encapsulation of drugs in nano- or micro- particles or the administration of bacteria, which would target these sites in order to induce an immune response. However, a major scientific barrier is to be able to predict the flow of these "micro-particles" and thus control the dose absorbed by our body.
The objective of TransportGut is to develop a predictive and comprehensive modelling of the transport of microparticles in the gastrointestinal system.
The challenge of such a model is to account for the different specificities of the physical environment of the digestive tract on the phenomena of transport and mixing. On the one hand, transport and mixing are controlled by the mechanical activity of the smooth muscles of the intestinal mucosa, on both macroscopic and microscopic scales. On the other hand, this activity varies according to the time scales considered. Several scales are thus relevant: the microstructures of the mucosa, the isolated organ and along the digestive system. Mixing at large scales are probably controlled by mixing at small scales. There is currently no particle transport model that takes into account these different scales.
Based on experiments at the interface of physiology and fluid mechanics and numerical simulations of flows, we propose to develop an analytical model of transport connecting these different scales. We will develop experiments on animal models to study the transport of particles along the digestive system and in the vicinity of microstructures of the intestinal mucosa. These experiments will be used to simulate numerically the coupling between flows at microscopic and macroscopic scales in order to understand the role of active and microstructured interfaces on the transport and mixing of microparticles. All of these data from experiments and numerical simulations will make it possible to build analytical and simplified models of the transport and mixture of particles at different spatial and temporal scales. This model would predict the spatiotemporal dispersion of particles in order to be a decision-making tool for the pharmaceutical industry, but also to understand the fundamental mechanisms that govern the spatial structure of the intestinal microbiota.
The reserachers of the TransportGut team are based in three different labs in Paris and Grenoble:
Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés (LRP): Experiments in complex flow at macroscopic and microscopic scales, numerical modeling of flows in the gastrointestinal tract.
Laboratoire Jean Perrin (LJP): Theoretical modeling of transport phenomena of microparticles in the small instestine.
TIMC: Physiology of smooth muscles and small intesinal motility.
Claude Loverdo, CRCN CNRS, LJP. Claude is developing simplified models of particle transport and mixing in the gut connecting different spatail and temporal scales, based on experiments that combine physiology and fluid mechanics, as well as numerical simulations of flows.
Clément de Loubens, CRCN CNRS, LRP. Clément's research focuses on understanding complex flow phenomena in the gut through the use of CFD models, ex-vivo experiments, and in-vitro experiments.
Stéphane Tanguy, MCF UGA, TIMC. Stéphane is developing specific experiments to better understand the physiological function of the small intestine smooth muscle at different scales - the GI tract, individual organs, and villi.
Martin Garic, PhD Sorbonne Univ., LJP. Martin's PhD work involves developing analytical models for the transport and mixing of particles in the GI tract. He bases these developments on CFD models and physiological experiments.
Faisal Ahmad, PhD UGA, LRP, TIMC. Faisal's PhD work focuses on developing computational models for complex fluids at both the organ and villi scales. In addition, he is also developing an experimental bench to study small intestine motility at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales.
Rohan Vernekar, Post-Doc CNRS, LRP. Rohan is building the intestinal flow solver, using the lattice Boltzmann method. He is also carrying out simulations to study transport at the sub-organ as well as the villi scales, and is co-supervising PhD students in the group.
Dacil Yanez Martins, PhD CNRS, LRP, TIMC. Dacil's work involves developing experiments that couple gut physiology and microfluidics to understand the role of gut motility, at different scales, in the mixing and transport of microparticles.
A lattice-Boltzmann model for the flow of yield stress fluids at an organ scale applied to human defecation.
A lattice-Boltzmann model was developed to simulate the flow of yield stress fluids at the organ scale, based on in vivo motility data. The model was applied to study rectal evacuation in patients with normal and impaired defecation, quantifying velocity, pressure, and stress fields during the defecation of a neostool with rheology similar to that of soft stool. This allowed to identify biomechanical and rheological facors affecting normal and pathological defecatory function in these patients.
Secondary flow generated by the oscillatiion of small intestine villi.
We modelled flow and mixing induced by a simplified version of villi motility. The model shows the emergence of a secondary flow phenomenon, a steady streaming flow, in a micro-mixing layer adjacent to the villi. The intensity of this flow could control the transport of microparticles, such as bacteria, in an area close to the villi, on long time scales.